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Monday, November 16, 2015

Finn's ride into town

With Ellie out on her own in the Old Quarter and the older boys still recovering from their basketball exploits the day before, Libby and I decided to take Finn for a bike ride to the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.  It was a pretty ambitious ride -- over 9 miles round trip.  And there were times it was one of the more stressful things I've done here, trying to watch the traffic and Finn at the same time.  But he was a trooper and did pretty well.

Our ride got off to a bad start when we discovered Finn's bike had a flat tire.  Fortunately our friend Huong (Diagon Alley Suit Guy) knew the guy across the alley that repairs motorbikes, and he had Finn going in no time.

First stop was for Finn to get a new helmet, since he had been wearing mine.  Now we have three bikes and three helmets.  

A lot of shops in town have birds in cages hanging outside their doors, and it has Libby thinking that she wants to get a bird.  I've argued that it might be a good idea to wait until we get back to the States.  I think I have her convinced, but then she sees birdcage stores on the side of the road and feels compelled to stop.  Hmmm......

Finn was a good sport when we got to the Fine Arts Museum, and even pointed out a couple things in the paintings that Libby and I had missed the last time we were here.

Near the end of the return trip we decided to take a well-deserved waffle and ice cream break:

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