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Monday, December 14, 2015

Sunday in the Park

We spent a surreal afternoon in a park in Hanoi at an arts festival benefiting children's causes.  The surreal part didn't have anything to do with the festival itself -- it was the fact that it was happening at all.  The Vietnamese are just starting to become interested in charitable events like this as their economy becomes more and more stable and their middle class grows. This was the first year this arts festival was held, but it seems like it was successful. In fact, the festival felt a lot like some of the ones we've attended in America.

This was a genius idea -- as part of your family ticket (about $20), you got a tent rental for the day, so you could plop your stuff down or take a break out of the sun.

This vendor was selling art kits in a box.  One was about dinosaurs; another concerned Christmas decorations.  A good idea, and again not something we had seen before in Vietnam.  

We loved this product.  They are straws that have flavoring in them, so when you take a drink of milk through it, it tastes like chocolate milk or strawberry milk or whatever.  But we really liked the advertising slogan -- clearly written by someone where English is not their first language.

Christmas oiiiiii!

As we were waiting for our ride home, a group of students wanted to take their pictures with us.  And for once, it was Noah that was singled out as the kid everyone wanted a picture with:

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