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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bangkok -- the first 24 hours

Since we were in Southeast Asia already, we decided to make a side trip to Thailand, knowing that there probably was not a time in our lives we could go so cheaply.  Besides, with a 70 degree difference between Hiram and Bangkok, how could we refuse?


After an uneventful plane trip, long lines in immigration, and an expensive traffic-marred taxi ride, we finally made it to the Seven Luck Hotel, our home for the next few days: 

The view from our window:

This is Mel, the amazingly helpful proprietor of The Seven Luck.  She lives there with her husband and three children:

We headed out looking for dinner and to do some exploring.  Here's a street food stand down the street from our hotel in front of a 7-Eleven:

We learned pretty quickly that the king is a big deal in Thailand.  He just celebrated his 88th birthday on December 5, and the city was decked out still for the celebrations:

But really, we were just interested in eating some pad thai in Thailand.  This is considered one of the better pad thai restaurants and it didn't disappoint:

Noah in particular was pretty excited:

The next morning we decided to explore around our hotel and discovered we were right in the middle of the wholesale clothing district, which includes a big market every morning:

Always be yourself....unless you can be Batman.  Then always be Batman.

Noah eating his second batch of pad thai on the trip, this time from the stand in front of another 7-Eleven.  For the rest of the trip, our family argued about which pad thai was better: Thip Samai or the street vendor.

Mel from the hotel told us that we really should go to the weekend market at Chatuchak Market -- around 1000 vendors selling a wide range of stuff at negotiable prices.  Half the fun for us was getting there by water taxi and SkyTrain, but we also picked up a few special purchases like Finn's panda hat and an elephant for Ellie:

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