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Monday, December 7, 2015

Making nem -- Finn's last birthday gift

Finn has been talking about attending a cooking class ever since we learned that we were going to Vietnam, so Libby and I planned to have him go to one for his birthday.  But about a week before the big event, our friend Thu Huong from the embassy said she wanted to conduct the class as a birthday gift to Finn.  How could we refuse such a generous offer?  It was a wonderful morning for me, Libby, and Finn, plus Viet was able to come too.

Libby has the recipe and ingredients list that Thu Huong gave us for making nem, Vietnamese fried spring rolls.  I'm not going to put it here because the likelihood of me being involved in that project in the States is pretty small -- although I'll help eat them, no problem.

Here's Thu Huong teaching Finn how to slice up the vegetables.  He got pretty good at it.

The big eowl below is what the nem is stuffed with.  There are also dipping sauces that we made in smaller bowls:

Once Finn mixed up everything for the inside of the nem, it was time to start stuffing them and cooking them.  Finn was much better at it than me -- he was even my teacher when I was doing it.

Getting ready to eat.  The nem were delicious and a very memorable morning for all of us.  Being here in Vietnam, I appreciate how fresh everything is that we eat.  This morning's feast was no exception.  It is one of the many things I'll miss about being in Vietnam.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go you can make them for gramp amid I when you get home.
