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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Finn's 8th Birthday

One of Finn's biggest anxieties back in August about coming to Vietnam was that his 8th birthday would be celebrated here.  So we tried to make it a pretty special day.  He got to stay home from school and hang out with mom and dad for the day, go to lunch and the zoo, ride the swan boats and water ball, go to Hero World, and eat cake.  Mission accomplished:

Other than my upset stomach that suddenly came during the zoo, my one complaint about the day was being told by security in the video arcade where we took Finn that I could not take pictures.  Really?!?  What possible reason could there be not to take pictures in an arcade?  Sometimes the order and security thing in Hanoi gets to me.  But I did sneak a picture of Ellie playing Fruit Ninja.

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