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Monday, December 14, 2015

Sac's village

On Sunday, Libby's advisor Sac was nice enough to take us out to his village about 15 km outside Hanoi, to do some silk screening on t-shirts with the kids at his studio and explore where he grew up.

Sac's village is known for making rice noodles and other kinds of noodles.  As we approached the village, we saw several areas where they were drying the noodles on racks:

Sac built his studio on some family land.  Originally it was a coffee shop on the basement and a studio on top, but the shop didn't work out so now the studio comprises two floors.  We were working on the top floor doing silk screening on shirts we had brought.  Sac provided the screens:

Right outside Sac's studio was this fence made of bicycles he had built:

As we were leaving, we met Sac's wife's grandfather -- 93 years old and spoke French as well as Vietnamese:

Next we went to Sac's family temple.  Right next to it, though, was a tribute to Ho Chi Minh in the middle of a beautiful pond.  It had just been completed last year and was slightly controversial according to Sac, since there are limited resources in the village.  It did make for a gorgeous setting, as did the family temple:

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