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Friday, December 11, 2015

The view from Vietnam

The latest news alert from my phone:                       


If you had told me back in August that Donald Trump would be polling at 35% on December 10, well.... I think I would have laughed right along with most of America.

It is difficult to understate just how ridiculous America looks to foreigners when Donald Trump is discussed as a serious candidate for President.  People outside America do not understand the subtleties of the government, the checks and balances, and how the primary and general election works.  All they hear is that Donald Trump is leading in the polls and that he wants to ban Muslims from coming into the country, and they ask, "How can America go from twice electing a Harvard-educated black man with a Kenyan father and worldwide admiration to..... Donald Trump?!?"  And I don't have an answer, other than to shake my head and be embarrassed.


1 comment:

  1. The scary part Ed is that he could very well win the primary and the election. There are so many people that truly believe everything that hhe says and even when it is pointed out that he lies...they will not believe it.
