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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Bangkok -- Water taxis, Chinatown, and tuk tuks

Our last day in Bangkok started with more street food from the local market and an exploratory water taxi ride in the rain:

After about half an hour on the water taxi, we got off and discovered......another mall.  This time it was simply called, "The Mall".  It was purely an accident that we got off at that stop, but once again the kids didn't seem to mind.

These are the guys that walk on the boat collecting fares and tying the boat up when it docks. He had an "I Love the USA" bandanna on:

We were committed to get to the top of the temple that denied us yesterday, so we returned during daylight hours and climbed the 350 steps to the summit.  It was worth it:

One of our last stops in Bangkok was Chinatown and Yaowarat Street.  Hanoi does not really have a formal Chinatown -- relations between China and Vietnam have always been a little frosty -- so we wanted to see a large vibrant Chinese community while in Thailand:

These pancakes from a street vendor in Chinatown were some of the best we've ever had:

And no trip to Thailand would be complete without a ride on a tuk tuk:

I guess this is one way to get around copyright infringement:

Some airports feel like they could be anywhere in the world.  Not Thailand!

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