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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cowboy Jack's American Dining

When you live in a foreign country, you start to miss certain things about America.  And when you live in southeast Asia, you start to miss food.  Don't get me wrong -- Vietnamese food is wonderful and I love it.  But as I've said before, sometimes you just want a good cheeseburger.

With that said, we made the ten minute walk to Cowboy Jack's, which just re-opened after a renovation.  And while the food didn't completely taste like it might in America -- was that really pepperoni in the deep-dish pizza? -- it was close enough.  I imagine the Chinese might feel the same way if they ate General Tso's chicken.


  1. Sooo....Vietnamese is inexpensive for you in American food equally inexpensive there? I loved that last photo of Noah and the cheese...looked like Finn was waiting to catch that good tasting morsel of it dropped.

    1. American food in Vietnam is more expensive than Vietnamese food here, but still significantly cheaper than what we would pay in the States. Our meal at Cowboy Jack's -- 6 people, including drinks -- came to about $30.

  2. While the Frato-Sweeneys are longing for American food and "a good cheeseburger," Ron and I are longing for familiar Asian food. This all looks so delicious and comforting to us. Reading your blog makes us wildly hungry, Ed! The familiar flavors of "home." :Love, Mom
